Kids Have Stress Too – St. Paul

St. Paul Regional FCSS Office 5002 51 Avenue, St. Paul, Alberta, Canada

Calling all caregivers for a FREE seminar on children's stress! Childcare is available. Call 780-645-5311 to register.

Triple P Parenting – Independent Eating

St. Paul Regional FCSS Office 5002 51 Avenue, St. Paul, Alberta, Canada

Triple P Parenting is for every parent and caregiver to build their toolbox of ideas to use to be a more confident, calm, and positive. This independent eating session comes with a tip sheet and is free! Call 780-645-5311 to register.

Event Series Women Behind the Mask

Women Behind the Mask

St. Paul Regional FCSS Office 5002 51 Avenue, St. Paul, Alberta, Canada

Tap into the idea that many of us wear a figurative "mask" to hide our true feelings in a safe, guided space. Each month we will engage in different topics or activities that help you navigate your journey. Call FCSS at 780-645-5311 for more info and to connect.

Emotion Coaching Course Registration Deadline

This is an online, 5-week course built on five steps for building emotional intelligence in your child. FREE course for caregivers, call 780-645-5311 to register.

Triple P Parenting Tip

St. Paul Regional FCSS Office 5002 51 Avenue, St. Paul, Alberta, Canada

Call 780-645-5311 to register for a FREE Triple P Parenting tip sheet! Sheet tip: Tidying Up