County of St. Paul: A Hub for Large to Small Businesses in Alberta
The County of St. Paul is proud to be a member of the Regional Economic Development organization, Alberta HUB, where opportunity comes to life.
Alberta HUB named in Canada's Top 20 Best Locations for Economic Development

By encouraging investment, pursuing labor force development and municipal collaboration Alberta HUB is able to build on the region’s current levels of activity and work. Our region enjoys a diverse economy with a wide range of investment and business opportunities. We encourage you to explore our region and discover its opportunities.
The value of building permits issued in 2022 was $10,333,255
Agriculture in the County
The County of St. Paul's diversified agricultural economy helps to make this one of the biggest industry sectors in the region. The County boasts 1,035 farms (2016) producing coarse grains such as wheat, barley and canola. Pea field acreages are also increasing. 2016 Gross Farm Receipts exceeded $163 million. The County is home to a large number of cattle, dairy, hog and poultry farms.
Industry Spotlight
The eastern side of the County of St. Paul, located on the Cold Lake Oil sands area, is experiencing major oil development.
Oil & Gas Country | Oil Sands
Over 8,000 oil/gas wells exist as CNRL, Husky and Devon Energy continue with drilling programs. Major upstream oil service companies have established a presence in the County. Pengrowth has a SAGD facility in the County with an investment of over 1 billion dollars.
Reasonable land costs, developed infrastructure and direct access to markets make St. Paul County a wise choice for investment.

Local Chambers of Commerce
Our region is a thriving and welcoming place ripe with opportunity for business. See more from our local Chambers of Commerce.

St. Paul & District Chamber of Commerce
A board-governed, not-for-profit that believes free enterprise and ethical business practices are the foundation of economic well-being in our community.

Elk Point Chamber of Commerce
Helping to enhance growth in the community through positive advocacy and networking.

Mallaig Chamber of Commerce
Encouraging growth in the Mallaig community through networking, promotion and encouraging local investment.