Planning & Development

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Continuous Growth in the County

The County works to ensure quality development that sustainably supports our long-term vision to be the leader in rural success.

On this page, you will find information related to types of development, current development project within the County, and development policies. Please visit our Permits & Applications page for more information on the Development Permit process.


Public Hearing, December 10, 2024, at 11 a.m.

The County is holding a public hearing on Bylaw 2024-17 and 2024-18 for the adoption of the Buffalo Trail South (2024-17) and Buffalo Trail North (2024-18) Intermunicipal Area Structure Plans in conjunction with the Town of Elk Point. 

Persons claiming to be affected by the adoption of either plan may voice their concerns at the Public Hearing. If you wish to speak for or against the proposed bylaws, contact Betty Richard at [email protected] before 4 p.m. on Friday, December 6, to attend.

Concerns may also be sent in writing by mail, emailed to [email protected], or delivered to the Administration Office prior to the Hearing.

Docks and Mooring Structures

Property development is increasing on Alberta’s lakeshores. However, this shoreland development can have cumulative, detrimental effects on lakes and lakeshore areas.

To help lessen these effects, an Alberta Government Temporary Field Authorization (TFA) is required before placing a mooring structure (i.e. dock) for personal recreational use in Crown-owned-bed and shore, for longer than 14 days.

This is an Alberta government requirement. The County cannot advise individuals on what the province will require or approve. If you have questions regarding a client ID application or the Temporary Field Authorization process or application, please call Alberta Environment and Protected Areas at 780-623-5279.

If you are not the waterfront landowner, the province requires written consent from the landowner before authorization may be issued. In many instances, this may be the local municipality if the waterfront property is municipal or an environmental reserve.

The County can provide you with a Municipal Letter of Consent in order for you to acquire a permit for a mooring structure. This is provided through our Planning & Development deparment and comes with an associated fee (noted in our application form).

Permit Resources


Safety Code Permits

All safety codes for the County of St. Paul and their corresponding costs are issued through Superior Safety Codes Inc., including permits for buildings, electrical, gas, plumbing, and private sewage disposal systems.

Permit applications can be completed directly on their website.


Development Permits

Before applying for a Development Permit, we encourage you to review our Land Use Bylaw and permit information. We have additional information depending on your structure, whether it's an addition or a shop.

Email your completed permit applications to [email protected]

Does your project require demolition?

Your demolition materials may require an inspection from our Waste Management department, as not all materials are accepted at our County Transfer Stations. See our Waste Management page for more details.


Click Before You Dig

In Alberta, utility cables and pipes for heat, electricity, water, and cell/internet service lie unseen just below our sidewalks, fields, farms, and yards.

Utility Safety Partners (formerly Alberta One-Call) can provide you with safe digging locations before you start your projects.


Subdivision Application

Please contact Municipal Planning Services (2009) Ltd. if you have any questions about subdivisions, how to apply, and associated fees.

On their website, you will find the necessary forms as well as a subdivision process walkthrough.

Intermunicipal Development

The County of St. Paul has developed a number of Intermunicipal Development Plans in accordance with the Government of Alberta Municipal Government Act (MGA). These plans include St. Paul Region municipalities as well as our Lakeland Region neighbours.

Area Structure Plans

The County of St. Paul is constantly evolving and continuously working on infrastructure development for future growth. An Area Structure Plan (ASP) is developed with an engineering consultant to determine the long-term land use and infrastructure planning of a defined area within a municipality. An Intermunicipal Area Structure Plan (IASP) is the same concept but as a partnership between two or more municipalities. 

Below are lists of the approved and in-progress ASPs and IASPs within the County, including reports and project websites.


The Town of Elk Point and the County of St. Paul have adopted two IASP: Buffalo Trail North and Buffalo Trail South.

Each IASP will guide future growth and development of lands located at the northern (Buffalo Trail North) and southern (Buffalo Trail South) gateways to Elk Point, on lands in both the Town and County.  

Persons and/or companies seeking to develop within the boundaries of either Plan area are advised to review the appropriate Plan and consult with the appropriate municipality before commencing their development.

North Plan | South Plan

The Elk Point Airport Area Structure Plan (ASP) has been adopted by the County.  The intent of the ASP is to guide the future growth and development at the Airport, simplify and streamline operations, improve revenue generation, and promote regional economic prosperity.

View the plan.

In 2008, in response to the development that had occurred adjacent to the lake in the 1990s and 2000s, the Counties of St. Paul and Two Hills began work on an Area Structure Plan (ASP) for the Lac Sante area.

View the plan.

In early 2008, in response to the steady increase in interest toward lake-oriented development in Smoky Lake County and the County of St. Paul, as well as a growing awareness of the importance of local environmental stewardship and healthy watersheds, both Counties began work on revising the existing Area Structure Plan for the Garner Lake Area.

View the plan.

In Progress

The Town of St. Paul and County of St. Paul are currently looking to address the long-term planning and development of 588.4 hectares of land located adjacent to the northern end of the Town. This area includes both lands within the boundary of the Town and lands within the boundary of the County.

To address this planning and development, the Town and County are commissioning the preparation of an IASP.

See the project website and the engagement summary.

The purpose of this ASP is to provide a document to establish a land use framework for the north half of NE1-58-10-W4 within The County of St. Paul. This ASP will guide the review and approval of future development applications within the Plan area. A subdivision and redistricting application is submitted concurrently with this ASP. The subdivision will require the County's approval before any development in the Plan area. The Plan area will also be redistricted from an Agricultural (A) District to an Industrial/Commercial (IC) District.

This ASP is located immediately west of Range Road 100 and south of Highway 29. The Town of St. Paul is located east of the Plan area and Upper Therien Lake is to the southeast. The Plan is located within the boundaries of County and legally defined as NE1 58-10-W4.

See the full ASP.

Planning & Development Bylaws

General Municipal Servicing Standards (GMSS) provide direction and guidance to land developers as well as to County Council and Administration in the development of land and servicing of new developments. This direction guides our Land Use and Municipal Development Plan bylaws to ensure a proper and fair process for all applications.

County Policies

Policies are created to guide decision-making on municipal matters.

These policies are approved by County of St. Paul Council in accordance with Section 638.2 of the Municipal Government Act, RSA 2000, c M-26.

Can't find what you're looking for? Find all County policies on the Bylaws & Policies page.

Frequently Asked Questions


If you have a Planning & Development-related question, we invite you to contact the County of St. Paul using the contact information found on this page.

Contact Information

GARY BUCHANAN, Director of Planning & Development
780-646-6750 (please leave a message)

YIREN LIU, Planning & Development Officer
Phone: 780-646-6792

[email protected]

5015 49 Avenue
St. Paul, AB  T0A 3A4

8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Closed from 12 p.m. - 1 p.m.
Closed on weekends and all Statutory Holidays