St. Paul County Council

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Your St. Paul County Council

We are happy to highlight your St. Paul County Council elected officials and
to provide an open and transparent government.  

Council Meetings

The regularly scheduled County Council Meetings are held in the Administration Building Council Chambers
on the 2nd Tuesday of each month starting at 10:00 a.m.

The Meeting will be live streamed on YouTube at 'County of St. Paul No. 19' at the following link:

Council Public Works meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month starting at 10:00 a.m. from November to March.
From April to October, Public Works meetings start at 9:00 a.m.

The public is welcome to attend the meetings in person. 

The Agenda for the meeting is posted the Friday before the meeting, by end of day.


Council-2022-0037 cropped

Standing:  Darrell Younghans; Ross Krekoski; Louis Dechaine; Kevin Wirsta; Dale Hedrick
Seated:  Sheila Kitz, previous CAO; Glen Ockerman, Reeve; Maxine Fodness, Deputy Reeve

Our Mission:

To create desirable rural experiences

Census Highlights (2017)

Our most recent census was completed in 2017. The purpose of this census was to collect the most up-to-date and accurate information so that our municipality could receive appropriate grants from the Provincial and Federal Government based on population count.

Total population
Under 18 population
Population aged 18-64
Population aged 65+
Kilometers of Gravel Roads
Kilometers of Oiled Roads
Kilometers of Paved Roads

Key County Documents

At the County of St. Paul, we work for you. We are proud to offer full transparency of your municipal government. Click the links below to view documents including, strategic plans, budgets, financials, reports and more.



Council Activity Report

Council Activity Reports

Council Highlights

Council Highlights

Strategic Plans

Strategic Plans


The Municipal General Election was held on Monday, October 18, 2021.
The next Municipal General Election will be held on Monday, October 20, 2025.

Your Council

The contact details for your elected official can be found below.

Information on Council Boards and Committees

Committee Appointments as of October 24, 2024
Minor changes were made during the Organizational Meeting

Councillor Code of Conduct Bylaw

Meeting Procedure Bylaw

Council Office Equipment Policy

Council Remuneration and Expenses Policy
(See 'Council Activity Report' above for detailed information)

Governance & Transparency


Website Council-Glen Ockerman 2022-2-0024

Glen Ockerman


Mr. Glen Ockerman was sworn in to the County of St. Paul on October 25, 2021.
[See More]

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 780-210-1025
Website Council- Darrell Younghans 2022-2

Darrell Younghans

Division 1
Mr. Darrell Younghans was first sworn in to the County of St. Paul on October 23, 2017. He was sworn in again on October 25, 2021.
[See More]

Email: [email protected]
Cell Phone: 780-645-8513
Website Council-Kevin Wirsta 2022-2

Kevin Wirsta

Division 2
Mr. Kevin Wirsta was sworn in to the County of St. Paul on October 23, 2017. He was sworn in again on October 25, 2021.
[See More]

Email: [email protected]
Cell Phone: 780-614-5959
Website Ross Krekoski Council-2022-2-0027

Ross Krekoski

Division 3
Mr. Ross Krekoski was sworn in to the County of St. Paul on October 25, 2021.
[See More]

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 780-614-8295
Website Council Maxine Fodness 2022-2

Maxine Fodness

Deputy Reeve - Division 4
Mrs. Maxine Fodness was first sworn in to the County of St. Paul on October 26, 2004. She has been elected six times. She was sworn in again on October 25, 2021.
[See More]

Email: [email protected]
Home Phone: 780-645-4778
Website Council Dale Hedrick -2022-2-0003

Dale Hedrick

Division 5
Mr. Dale Hedrick was sworn in to the County of St. Paul on October 23, 2017. He was sworn in again on October 25, 2021.
[See More]

Email: [email protected]
Cell Phone: 780-210-0889
Website Council Louis Dechaine 2022-2

Louis Dechaine

Division 6
Mr. Louis Dechaine was sworn in to the County of St. Paul on October 25, 2021.
[See More]

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 780-210-0467


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